ActiveJob Plays Well With Any Queuing Backend

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ActiveJob is a framework that ensures standardized job infrastructure for all Rails applications, which lets you define and run jobs regardless of selected queuing backend.

ActiveJob is a framework that ensures standardized job infrastructure for all Rails applications, which lets you define and run jobs regardless of selected queuing backend. The API differences between Delayed Job, Resque, Sidekiq, and others are hidden by ActiveJob and make switching between them seamless. 

Using the ActiveJob framework, we recently helped a client standardize all jobs across their system. This allowed them to switch from Delayed Job to Sidekiq easily. This post will guide you through each step we followed to accomplish this without any headaches.

Challenges With Job Statistics

After successfully converting to ActiveJob with Sidekiq adapter, we encountered a scenario where we needed to know if a specific job was still running for target logic. We realized that with ActiveJob and Sidekiq queue adaptor the granular stats such as checking if a job is still running are non-existent. Sidekiq captures this information outside of Rails scope.

Delayed Job information such as last_error, run_at, locked_at, failed_at, locked_at are stored on the Delayed::Job ActiveRecord model and are readily available through simple query lookup.


But Sidekiq only provides general statistics for entire queues. For example, with Sidekiq you can fetch size for each status via Sidekiq::Stats:

stats =
processed = stats.processed
failed = stats.failed
enqueued = stats.enqueued

Or, fetch information for each queue via Sidekiq::Queue:

queue =“pdf”)

Sidekiq stats information is not granular enough for a single job. In addition, we didn’t want lookup logic to be adapter specific if the queue adapter was switched again in the future. One way to solve this issue could be through an update of flag or timestamp on an ActiveRecord model via ActiveJob callbacks.


For example:

after_perform { …some_record.update(job_ran_at: }

But in our case this was not sufficient enough if we needed to track job information for additional jobs. The closest solution came in a form of a `active_job_status` gem. By including `ActiveJobStatus::Hooks` in the job definition, we can now access the job statistics for 72 hours (setting can be altered for a longer duration).  With the gem we can access all common information about a single job without being concerned with the queue adaptor:

my_job = MyJob.perform_later
job_status = ActiveJobStatus.fetch(my_job.job_id)
# => :queued, :working, :completed, nil

If job status information is not an issue, then continue reading.

Step 1: Configuration

First step is a minor configuration update in config/application.rb to enable ActiveJob.

config.active_job.queue_adapter = :delayed_job

Step 2: Ensure job definitions are placed in ‘/jobs’ directory

If you are defining a new job, this Rails generator can be used to create it.

bin/rails generate job new_service

For a specific queue, use --queue:

bin/rails generate job new_service --queue target_queue

In our client's case, we had an existing delayed job that needed to be moved from services to jobs directory. File pdftk_merge.rb was moved from app/services/pdf to app/jobs/pdf.

Step 3: Ensure correct file name

Ensure the file name ends with job.

Rename Job file from pdftk_merge.rb to pdftk_merge_job.rb.

Step 4: Update Job definition

Our client had some custom definitions, which required some minor updates to convert to the ActiveJob structure. For example, the client used 'call' instead of the traditional 'perform' because their BaseJob definition had extensive logic and custom helper methods. Nevertheless, we were able to convert successfully by following the steps below.


1. Update Job name to include Job from PDF::PdftkMerge to PDF::PdftkMergeJob.

2. Ensure PDF::PdftkMergeJob inherits from ApplicationJob. If Rails generator was not used, you will need to define class manually in jobs root directory.

3. Ensure the perform method is defined. In the case of this existing definition, let's move initialize() logic to call() and rename call() method to perform().

4. Replace self.queue_name with ActiveJob helper method queue_as.


class PDF::PdftkMerge < BaseJob  
	attr_accessor :input_files, :output_file  
    def self.queue_name    
    def initialize(opts = {})    
    	@input_files = opts[:input_files]    
        @output_file = opts[:output_file]  
    def call    
    	return nil if @input_files.empty? || @output_file.blank?    
        rescue StandardError => err    
    raise err 
    def pdftk_output   
    	# pdftk_output logic 



class PDF::PdftkMergeJob < ApplicationJob  
	attr_accessor :input_files, :output_file    
    	queue_as :pdf    
    def perform(opts = {})    
    	@input_files = opts[:input_files]    
        @output_file = opts[:output_file]        
        return nil if @input_files.empty? || @output_file.blank?        
        rescue StandardError => err    
        raise err  
    def pdftk_output    
    	# pdftk_output logic  


Step 5: Enqueue Job, ensure Delayed Job is enqueued

Run Job and ensure it is enqueued in Delayed Job. Make sure it runs as expected, as well. To perform after the queuing system is free, use perform_later.

PDF::PdftkMergeJob.perform_later([input_files], output_filepath)

To perform after one hour, use perform_later with set.

PDF::PdftkMergeJob.set(wait: 1.hour).perform_later([input_files], output_filepath)

To perform for a specific queue, use perform_later with set.

PDF::PdftkMergeJob.set(queue: :another_queue).perform_later([input_files], output_filepath)

Step 6: Write RSpec test

Write an RSpec for the Job in spec/jobs/pdf/pdftk_merge_job_spec.rb or update an existing one. For example:

require "rails_helper"  
	RSpec.describe PDF::PdftkMergeJob, type: :job do    
    subject(:job) { described_class.perform_later([input_files], output_filepath) }        
    it "queues the job" do      
    	expect { job }.to change(ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter.enqueued_jobs, :size).by(1)    
    it "is in pdf queue" do      
    	expect( eq("pdf")    
    it "executes perform" do      
    	perform_enqueued_jobs { job }      
        # expect pdftk_output logic    
    it "handles standard error" do      
    	allow_any_instance_of(PDF::PdftkMergeJob).to receive(:call).and_raise(StandardError)            
        expect { PDF::PdftkMergeJob.perform_later([input_files], output_filepath) }        
        	.to raise_error(StandardError)      

Tip: Retry on error

Instead of throwing StandardError, we might want to retry Job with rescue_from block and retry_job ActiveJob helper method.

class PDF::PdftkMergeJob < ApplicationJob  
	rescue_from(StandardError) do  
    retry_job wait: 5.minutes, queue: :pdf_low_priority

Step 7: Update to Sidekiq queue

Finally, after verifying that the Job definition update to the ActiveJob structure was successful, update to the Sidekiq queue in the configuration.

config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq # previously delayed_job

Since the Job definition follows the correct pattern, switching to the Sidekiq queue should not require any changes to the existing Job structure.


The conversion to ActiveJob from another queue implementation (in our case Delayed Job) was straightforward and we didn’t need to make any major changes to the existing job definitions. Since switching from Delayed Job to Sidekiq queue we have more transparency into the progress of these jobs once they are enqueued up. Sidekiq provides a very detailed browser user interface to quickly view progress and ability to manage enqueued jobs. We avoided using Sidekiq specific logic by utilizing ActiveJob framework for any lookup or job statistics, so that any future changes to the queue adapter will be seamless and will not require any logic updates.

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